Thirty years ago, I starting dating the wonderful woman I am still married to today. We were both sick and tired of dating, but reluctantly we went on a blind date set up by my aunt.
After a string of lackluster dating experiences for both my future wife and me, neither of us were interested in dating anyone at the time...but we really hit it off. This raven-haired beauty and I sat on the futon in her apartment (it was the 90's and futons were all the rage) and discussed the perils of dating and did something rather unconventional...we admitted what we felt were our biggest personal faults to each other. It was probably the most honest and unromantic thing anyone has ever done on a first date!
The moral to this story is that both my wife and I went into our relationship with our eyes wide open and although I would not recommend the "let me tell you what I think is wrong with me" strategy to most new couples, when your relationship takes a more serious turn, inviting your significant other to verify who you say you are shows him/her that you have nothing at all to hide.
Performing a background check on your significant other can be a good idea. EPI Investigations performs thorough and precise background checks, verifying employment, criminal history, and other important information starting at only $99.00. Call (605) 759-8778 or email me today at to order a background check today.